Installations new gym Ekke

The Ekke project, a space of large dimensions envisioned as a wellness centre, is a state-of-the-art complex dedicated to fitness and wellness. A pioneer facility of 8,000 m2 with a wide variety of physical exercise and wellness services which has set a trend in the sector in Lleida.

edifici gimnas Ekke a Lleida
Instal·lacions climatització i fontaneria realitzades per Jorfe a l'edifici gimnas Ekke
Instal·lacions elèctriques realitzades per Jorfe a l'edifici gimnàs Ekke
Instal·lacions climatització i fontaneria realitzades per Jorfe a l'edifici gimnas Ekke
Instal·lacions de fontaneria al gimnàs Ekke realitzades per Jorfe
Gimnas Lleida, S.L.
Year of execution

orfe completed the integral installations which include electricity, pressure devices, heating and cooling, plumbing, gas, fire protection, high efficiency, control systems and networks of voice and data and TV. 

- Installed electrical capacity: 300 kW

- Installed heating capacity: 600 kW

- Installed cooling capacity: 500 kW